As graduation is inching forward, excitement and senioritis is setting in. However, I have been reflecting on my 4 years in high school and all the lessons I have learned. As C. JoyBell C. states, “The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.”
High school has been a learning experience. Besides all of the knowledge I have attained while in school, I have learned plenty of lessons about friends, family, and most importantly, myself. I decided I wanted to ask my friends and family members for advice for upcoming seniors/freshmen. So let's begin
1. Stay out of drama. It gets you no where
2. Having a boyfriend/girlfriend in high school isn't everything
* I can't stress this one enough. Relationships cause so much drama.
3. You most likely will not finish high school with the same group of friends.
4. There's nothing wrong with connecting to people outside of your normal friend group.
5. You will not be the same person who you were freshmen year
*again, there's nothing wrong with change.
6. High school goes by way too fast so enjoy every moment.
7. You learn your lessons through mistakes and heartbreaks
8. Don't drink...BUT if you do................ BE RESPONSIBLE!
9. Your friends will do things they will regret, as will you. Be there for each other
10. Don't let a boyfriend/girlfriend split you from your friends
11. Spend time with your parents, you never know when they won't be there
12. Stay positive, someone else might need your loving energy
13. Appreciate and respect your body.
14. Respect everyone who comes across your path, you never know when you will need their respect.
15. Learn how to manage your money now. College is not cheap
16. The people you surround yourself with do matter. Chose wisely
17. Let the people around you know that you care for them.
18. Don't slack off. Everything counts.
19. Don't be afraid of change. It will eventually happen
20. Enjoy every moment with your friends. They will go off to college before you know it.